Upper/ Lower body mobility
Intro to Upper Body Mobility for Shoulders-
In most people it is very easy to see with the dominate arm the shoulder in most case will rotate in and out more easily on this side. It is important keep both shoulders strong in their respected rotations.
One easy way to keep the shoulders strong in their rotations is using a W and Y exercise.
1. Start lying with face and head down. Then have arms in 90% angle this is the W shape. Lift arms at the end range, try to keep ribcage in away from the floor, pause at the top for a few seconds, then lower down. 3 sets x 10reps to start.
Monday-Wednesday-Friday use the W exercise. Can be split through the day or all at once.
2. Same lying face and head down have arms over head in Y position thumbs up and out a bit. Then arms lift up off the floor, keep abdomen engage-ribs in. Hold at the top for a few seconds the lower. 3 sets x 10 reps Tuesday-Thursday
Once you have been using these simple, but effective techniques you can use lifts and rotations to help further mobilize the shoulders.
Lower Body Mobility – Is a method in teaching the lower body to articulate through CARS(control articulate rotations). By assessing what is deficient in movement we will reeducate the limbs to move in hip extension, compression and extension. To move the body through space the pelvis role is support the spine alongside moving the limbs through a series of motion. Without being able to move you will see imbalances throughout the body, quite possibly resulting in knee or hip replacement.
We all need upper and lower body mobility some more than others; through a series of test you can find the weaker links. By knowing what is weak and deficient you increase the capacity in both movement and loading the joints for more complex movements and lifts.
Assessment 1 articular movement of the femurs. Start by lying on left your side, head can be supported.
1. Start pulling right leg into chest without using hands this hip compression.
2. Then while right knee is into chest rotate out laterally full circle, to measure external rotation.
3. Last test while on left side have right bent at %90 angle test how much the limb can internally rotate.
To strengthen all motions, use a light to medium circular band around thighs close to knees to strengthen all motions. Also, you can use ankle weights to mobilize the limbs in all their respected directions.
For deficiencies start with the weaker of the two hips. 3-5 8-12 reps
This approach is very straight forward. A primary weigh to help someone understand their body better. This can most certainly benefit anyone, but for someone who lacks self-awareness this is an excellent place to start.
